Saturday, February 5, 2011

First Saturday = Fun Times at Home Depot!

In our family, we look forward to the first Saturday of every month. Why? Home Depot has come up with a brilliant concept. You can take your kids between 9am-12pm on this day and they have pre-packaged projects that are easy enough for the little ones to do. Each month, they have a different theme. Today, we worked on creating heart shelves..perfect for Valentine's Day, which is right around the corner! In past months, we have put together spice racks, butterfly houses, and battery holders just to name a few!

It was the first time our 18-month-old, Kelsey, got to participate with her twin brothers. As you can see, she felt quite proud modeling her Home Depot Apron, and I must brag, she was pretty good with the hammer too!

Each time the kids complete a project, they receive a certificate and a button to add to their apron with a picture of what they created. Needless to say, they are proud of their accomplishments, and our stack of Home Depot projects, buttons and certificates is growing here at the house!

When it comes to marketing, Home Depot came up with an ingenious concept when they put "First Saturday" on the calendar. Not only does it create future business, but what dad is not going to spend money in the store after project time is over!? I can always find something I "need!"

1 comment:

  1. Love these pictures....Kelsey looks so cute and proud! Gosh I miss you guys!
