Thursday, February 24, 2011

Desperate Times Call for Desperate Measures

I have a spot in my garden that has been crying for an evergreen shrub.  I had been thinking about either azaleas or boxwoods. 

On my way home yesterday, my mind was made up for me. 

In one of the neighborhoods I drive through on my way home from work, there were six huge boxwoods that had just been dug up.  They were destined for the chipper, but by simply stopping and asking if I could have them, they soon found their way to the back of my truck.  I was still in my suit from work but luckily had some work gloves in my truck.

Yes, the looks from the passing motorist says it all.  I mean, how often do you see someone in a suit loading boxwoods into the back of a truck in a suburban neighborhood?

Let me just go ahead and say that my actions, even for myself, were highly unusual.  I ended up planting them that night and watering them in.

If they what.  I didn't pay for them, and worse case scenario, they go into my compost pile in the woods.  If they live, I have just saved myself several hundred dollars.

The moral of the story...I had already in my mind, new what I wanted to plant in that location, I had already prepared the location, and I was actively looking for opportunities to get something for FREE!

You have to take these "bargains" with a grain of salt, but by doing so, you could potentially save a lot of money and have a beautiful garden to show for it!

1 comment:

  1. You go Adam. And I know someone in the neighborhood who can give you a clipping of a wonderful smelling bush you love. (Gardenia) :)
