Monday, March 21, 2011

Here's What's Blooming!

Grape Hyacinth



Peach Tree


Bradford Pear




More to come!  Much has begun to bloom even since I took these photos.  I can see small red buds coming out already on my azaleas.  I also see my purple coneflower and coreopsis beginning to peak their leaves out. 
I saw the first Carolina Jasmine bloom open yesterday.  I can't wait for another couple of weeks when the whole vine will be covered with sweet smelling blooms.
The clematis that I thought for sure would not come back this year has already grown bigger than it was last year when I got it as a clipping.  I am going to have to start building some supports for it.
Up until now I have not been much for planting bulbs, but after seeing what I have been missing this spring, I think that this fall I will turn over a new leaf.

On another side note...My neighbor was about to dig up and throw away twelve azalea bushes.  Guess who was just in time to save them and already had a place in the garden for them?  This guy!
So far the boxwoods that I saved are still alive. One is beginning to show a little brown, but overall, I think that they all should make it.
Don't be tempted by the warm weather that we have had lately.  Many big home improvement centers are bursting at the seams with new plants, however, for us here in Atlanta, the last frost date is April 10th.  That means if you run out and buy the first thing and stick it in the ground there is still a good chance that a late frost could come along and kill it.  The first week in March last year we had snow remember!?

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